Units Inventory is proud to announce the integration of Units Inventory and eAutoAppraise. eAutoAppraise offers customers a quick and easy tool for valuing their trade-in, getting pre-approved, and selecting their replacement vehicle, all in a matter of seconds. After intense research and development, this tool is ready for use by dealers on the Units Inventory platform. With a continued focus on providing easy-to-understand data, user experience, and fast decision making, this tool builds on the existing award-winning foundation of the Units Inventory platform.
These new collaborations allow dealerships to make faster, data driven buying decisions for vehicles that are most commonly brought in as replacement vehicles. The new graphs on the Report Dashboard include key data on what vehicles to expect for trade-in inventory month-over-month based on make, model, and year to enhance the buying experience for dealerships.
eAutoAppraise has added a new Trade Center tab to the platform’s dashboard. The main feature is the Lead Detail Report to the Unit’s dashboard. This feature allows for trade-in lead information to sync directly with live inventory data. From the Trade Center dashboard, leads can now be added to live inventory with just a few clicks.
For more control over synchronization of trade-in vehicle leads and inventory data, Units has added an additional feature to the Trade Center’s Lead Detail Report. This new field is known as “Save Trade In Vehicle To Live Inventory”. By adding just the VIN number and stock number of a vehicle trade-in lead, dealers are able to immediately flag a vehicle as “in-progress” or “wholesale” instead of integrating them directly to their main inventory database.
To learn more about Units Inventory and how the integration of Units and eAutoAppraise can increase the effectiveness of dealership online vehicle inventory management, contact the Units Inventory team at 844-339-2751.
About Units: Units Inventory is the automotive industry’s premier inventory and market pricing tool. Units provides dealer partners with industry-leading ways to display and merchandise their vehicles all in one system. Through leading technology and dominating dealer support, Units empowers dealers to collect, enhance, and publish their inventory.
About eAutoAppraise: eAutoAppraise is a premier trade-in technology company serving the automotive and RV industries. Founded by automotive internet pioneer, Barry Brodsky, eAutoAppraise offers dealers technology that enables their websites with trade-in, finance pre-approval and sell-us-your-car functionality. These features dramatically improve the customer experience while helping dealers generate the highest quality, exclusive sales opportunities.